2024 applications are now closed
In partnership with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service (ATSICHS) Brisbane, we have launched nominations for the Young, Black and Proud Scholarship for 2024. This program supports and celebrates the talents and strengths of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and helps them to reach their full potential.
This year is the first time in the program’s history that applications will be open to all young Queenslanders, 25 years and younger. Applications can be made across the areas of education and training, the arts, and sports. Scholarships are available for $1000, $2000 and $5000.
2024 applications closed 16 August.

Taylor-Lee Scollay
Gold Coast, 2023 winner
A young Kundadidji artist who feels connected to her culture when at the ocean with friends, and winning the scholarship has really helped her art journey
Kane Munt
Torres Strait Islands/Redcliffe 2023 winner
A Mabuiag man from the Torres Strait Islands who has used the scholarship funding to learn canoeing and is now competing in the IVF canoe world sprint competition.
Kaziw Meta
Torres Strait Islands 2023 winner
A boarding house on Thursday Island. The children and young people of Kaziw Meta were able to travel from Thursday Island throughout Australia to showcase this longstanding and rich culture through dance and song..
Last updated
19 August 2024