If you believe your child is in immediate danger or a life-threatening situation, call emergency services on triple zero – 000.
Under our legislation, we don’t investigate individual children’s and families’ circumstances. If you suspect a child in Queensland is experiencing harm or neglect, please contact the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services.

Implementation in Queensland

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Implementation in Queensland

All children have the right to feel safe and to be safe all the time, but safety does not just happen.


On this page

Child Safe Standards

The implementation of the Child Safe Standards in Queensland will commence from 1 October 2025. It will occur in a staged approach.

Phase 1

Child Safe Standards compliance commences 1 October 2025.

Child protection

  • a departmental or licensed care service under the Child Protection Act 1999
  • entity providing services related to child protection
  • support services for parents and families relating to child protection
  • family support and wellbeing services
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation with a prescribed delegate under the Child Protection Act 1999

Services for children with a disability

  • a provider of disability services under the Disability Services Act 2006 (s12) e.g. accommodation support, respite services, community support services etc.
  • NDIS service providers under the Disability Services Act 2006 (s15)

Justice or detention services

Government organisations

Phase 2

Child Safe Standards compliance commences 1 January 2026.

Accommodation & Residential Services

  • housing and accommodation services (supported accommodation, community or social housing)
  • Domestic & Family Violence services (e.g. emergency accommodation) 
  • camps or excursions with overnight stays
  • school boarding facilities, student hostels, student residential colleges

Education Services

Health Services

Early childhood education, care and child-minding services

Community Services

  • provides community service for children including neighbourhood centre or youth support service

Phase 3

Child Safe Standards compliance commences 1 April 2026.

Commercial services for children

  • an organisation providing general services or facilities specifically for children on a commercial basis including gym or play facilities, talent or beauty competitions, modelling services, photography services, entertainment services or party services

Transport services provided specifically for children

  • organisation providing transport or transport related services e,g, school crossing supervisors under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995
  • an organisation providing driver training services by trainers accredited under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995

Religious bodies

  • provides community or support services e.g. chaplaincy service or children's recreation service
  • activities or services - church services, youth groups

Services or activities provided primarily for children

  • a club or Association e.g Scouts, Girl Guides or a sporting club
  • cultural, sporting or recreational services e.g. an art or performing arts program, swimming school
  • coaching, tutoring or private teaching services including regulated organisations providing private teaching, coaching or tutoring under the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000

Reportable Conduct Scheme

The implementation of the Reportable Conduct Scheme will commence from 1 July 2026. There are some differences between the child safe organisations who have a legal obligation under the Reportable Conduct Scheme. Any child organisation listed under the Reportable Conduct Scheme is required to implement the Child Safe Standards.

Phase 1

Reportable Conduct Scheme compliance commences 1 July 2026.

Child protection

  • a departmental or licensed care service under the Child Protection Act 1999 e.g. residential care, foster and kinship care
  • organisations providing services related to child protection
  • support services for parents and families relating to child protection
  • family support and wellbeing services
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation with a prescribed delegate under the Child Protection Act 1999

Services for children with a disability

  • a provider of disability services under the Disability Services Act 2006 (s12) e.g. accommodation support, respite services, community support services etc.
  • NDIS service providers under the Disability Services Act 2006 (s15)

Justice or detention services

  • youth detention/remand centres
  • organisations providing programs and services mentioned in the Youth Justice Act 1992 (s302) such as early intervention and diversion programs, court support services, custody support transition to community programs and rehabilitation services
  • community justice group under the Bail Act 1980 (s6), other than a community justice group mentioned in that section (definition community justice group, paragraph C)

Government organisations

Phase 2

Reportable Conduct Scheme compliance commences 1 January 2027.

Accommodation & Residential Services

  • supported accommodation services for persons who are at risk of homelessness and provide overnight beds e.g. social housing, crisis accommodation or Domestic Family Violence services with temporary supported accommodation
  • provides camps or excursions that include overnight stays
  • residential facility for a boarding school
  • a student hostel established under the Education (General provisions) Act 2006 (s15) or operated under an allowance paid under section 368(1)(e) of that Act.

Education Services

Health Services

  • a Hospital and Health Service
  • Queensland Ambulance Service
  • private health facility under the Private Health Facilities Act 1999
  • authorised mental health service under the Mental Health Act 2016
  • provides mental health services that includes inpatient treatment for children
  • alcohol or other drug related treatment that includes inpatient treatment for children

Phase 3

Reportable Conduct Scheme compliance commences 1 July 2027.

Early childhood education, care and child-minding services

Religious bodies

  • religious body that provides activities, facilities, programs and services in which adults interact with children including churches and other congregational environments of religious and faith-based organisations
  • community services and support services
  • chaplaincy services
  • church youth groups
  • bible study groups
  • religious retreats and overnight camps
  • Sunday school programs and recreational services affiliated with a religious body